If you would like to find out more about what we can offer you or your service, please contact us:
Head Office: please email all enquiries to: info@mentoringwestmidlands.co.uk thank you
E-mail: info@mentoringwestmidlands.co.uk
Registered Head Office: West Midlands House, Gipsy Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 2HA
Company Registration No: 8325091 (Incorporated as Mentoring West Midlands Community Interest Company)
RESPECT member - we observe their 'safe minimum practice standards' in all our work within the field of domestic violence
Information Commissioner's Office Registration Reference: ZA055142
UK Register of Learning Providers no: 10058126
D-U-N-S no: 218734241
Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System (PEDPS) Framework: Reference Number: prj_2243
ISO 27001: certification number: 198411 valid from the February 2023 (held since November 2014) - Information security is of the utmost importance to MWM and we take our legal and moral responsibilties seriously when handling information of all types, particularly personal. We adhere to the requirements of relevant legislation in all our work in this specific area of our delivery and work to several specific principles:
- Respect all information always
- Maintain data integrity at all times
- Work with the most up to date or relevant systems
If you wish to view our most recent ISO27001 external audit report (Feb 2023) and/or our ISMS policy please submit a request in writing to: info@mentoringwestmidlands.co.uk stating the purpose of the enquiry and all relevant contact details.
GDPR - As an employer and deliverer of professional intervention and educational and training services, Mentoring West Midlands CIC complies with the GDPR data protection principles and requirements when processing employee's personal information (prospective, current and former) and all service user related information and data. This approach ensures effective data protection and handling is embedded in all day to day processes and policies and procedures and is evidenced in operational and strategic decisions. A full review of all documents and systems was undertaken in March and April 2018 ahead of the compliance date of the 25th May 2018 and a copy of the organisation's position statement is available on request. The GDPR position statement, and related activity, feeds into our ISO27001 systems where necessary.